Personal Freedom, Part I

Personal Freedom Part I by H.D. Ingles

Everybody says that they want personal freedom, but I don’t believe most of them. Why? (I love that question.) Let me tell you.

Let’s start with the real lame stuff. I mean, weak as water. There seems to be a large number of children (ages 18 to 25) running around, believing themselves to be adults.

Somebody invented a name for them and I, most certainly, can’t improve it: Snowflakes. They want their freedom but have no respect for the freedom of others. They are so afraid of life and using their brains (if the brains really exist), that they are afraid of hearing something they don’t like. That type of thinking terrifies me. I think back when I was a boy and I think about the War and I think about Germany and I think of the phrase, “Sieg Heil.” The “Hitler Youth” never allowed their minds to be cluttered with anything so foolish as truth and facts. That is, unless they were the Fuhrer’s “truth and facts.”

All of the above leads up to one question: How can anyone who is, supposedly, striving to get an education not want to know every point of view, and then make a decision?

It really beats me.

I am not sure that there are very many adults left in this country. I believe that there are many who, although older, have the identical characteristics of my “snowflakes,” above.

Use your noggin. A man cannot be 100% free and 100% safe at the same time. It is impossible because there is a risk to freedom. We see it all the time. Sometimes, a nut murders a few people. It happens. In some cases, there is no warning. The only way to cure that is to have a police state (lovely). In other cases, there is a warning and nobody acts. I believe that there is a cure for that. We must treat the cure very gingerly, but there is a cure.

Now, what happens with these “(so-called) adult snowflakes,” is a hue and cry to ban firearms. These people don’t seem to realize what they are asking for. They are asking, even begging, for a forfeiture of freedom. To be honest here, in the last century, “gun control” did work. It worked very well for both Hitler and Stalin. To be quite frank, I would rather take the chance of being shot by a nut, than take the chance of being shot by a government. My odds would be a lot better. By the way, if you didn’t know, both Hitler and Stalin murdered tens of millions of people.

One last thing. Not too long ago, I saw an article that “murder by knife” instances in England has shot (no pun intended) up quite a bit. They have already banned firearms. What are butchers and cooks going to do when they ban knives?