Sisters, Sisters Everywhere
As I was growing up, I was greatly outnumbered. There were sisters everywhere. I was surrounded by sisters, as it...
As I was growing up, I was greatly outnumbered. There were sisters everywhere. I was surrounded by sisters, as it...
This is a story about a helpless, hapless, hopeless, henpecked husband, who was defeated by brass knobs. Sadly enough, it...
Just Like Willie Sutton, You Can Bank On It What did Willie Sutton Do? He robbed banks. But he...
Robert Doizier was a man worth knowing. Let me tell you a couple of stories. In the spring of 1954,...
New car shopping with your wife can be an interesting experience. I am 82 years old and I have probably...
Wiley Post, in only 36 years of life and with only one eye, accomplished more in the field of...
The First Woman to Fly for the United States Military Nancy Harkness was the first woman to fly for the...
A Sonnet: A Short Winter A Sonnet: A Short Winter Spring. It passed you by; you did not learn, Because...
Where Am I? Don’t look at the picture because that ain’t me. Let me tell you where I am....
In 1879, the United States made George Washington’s Birthday a federal holiday. Over the years, people started fiddling around with it. Now, it is all very confusing. Which President are we celebrating? Or is it all of them? Or is it some of them? The official name of this federal holiday is “Washington’s Birthday”. Not “President’s Day”. The states can decide what they’d like to call this federal holiday. Virginia, Illinois, Iowa and New York call it “Washington’s Birthday”. Virginia celebrates Washington the entire month of February. And some states don’t observe it as a holiday at all.