H.D. Ingles Author

A Short Winter-sonnet by H.D. Ingles | H.D. Ingles.com

A Short Winter

A Sonnet:  A Short Winter A Sonnet:  A Short Winter Spring.  It passed you by; you did not learn, Because...

george washington-President's Day Article by H.D. Ingles | HDIngles.com

President’s Day

In 1879, the United States made George Washington’s Birthday a federal holiday. Over the years, people started fiddling around with it. Now, it is all very confusing. Which President are we celebrating? Or is it all of them? Or is it some of them? The official name of this federal holiday is “Washington’s Birthday”. Not “President’s Day”.  The states can decide what they’d like to call this federal holiday. Virginia, Illinois, Iowa and New York call it “Washington’s Birthday”. Virginia celebrates Washington the entire month of February. And some states don’t observe it as a holiday at all.