What Does Diversity Really Mean?

What Does Diversity Really Mean? H.D. Ingles

What Does Diversity Really Mean? Is skin color “diversity” racist?

The Current Social Climate

You know, Martin Luther King is hailed a hero by many Black Americans and Liberals.  And, something Liberals like to play down, King holds great respect from a very large number of Conservatives.

The funny and also sad part is, in today’s political climate, King gains Liberal and Black Leaders scorn.  Why?  Because King wanted a colorblind United States.  Not quotas and preferences.  Of course, they would never admit that they desire quite the opposite of King’s “dream”.

Today, we have some Black Americans and even White Liberals screaming for racial segregation.  Some have decided that specified college dorms and social areas should have “Black only admission”.  I have a feeling that this is coming from a rather small vocal minority.

Now, let me get this straight.  Black Americans spent the 20th Century fighting for integration and as we go into the 21st Century a few of you are fighting for segregation.

Am I missing something?  Are we looking for excuses to have racial warfare?

Let’s Look At Intelligence

For many things, when making a statistical evaluation, a very large and random population is required.  For this one, let’s say a million.  We will limit the population to Americans with at least a high school education and no criminal record, and in the age range of 18 to 65.

Bell Curve 1:  The IQ of 1,000,000 White Americans.

Bell Curve 2:  The IQ of 1,000,000 Black Americans.

Bell Curve 3:  The IQ of 1,000,000 Asian Americans.

Then compare Bell Curves.

Now, who believes there would be great differences?  That is to say, one population would have many more high IQ members and many fewer low IQ members than the others.

Anyone who predicts there would be a significant difference would be labeled a racist.

Let’s Look At Today’s “Diversity”

Now, using the three above populations, let’s find a distribution of political leanings.

How many of which race would lean Left?  How many would lean Right?  If you were to predict that one race would be dominant Left and another dominate Right, I would say you are a racist.  Why?  You are associating skin color with thought.

Why do so-called universities who claim to be “diverse” have almost all professors leaning very far Left?

Why do so-called news outlets who claim to be “diverse” have almost all reporters and such leaning very far Left?

In both of the above examples, they fill their job slots with the correct number of Leftists based on race.

They then say they have the correct “numbers’ so they are wonderful; they are “diversified.”  That is, diversified by race.  But not really diversified.

What I am saying is, in today’s world, “diversity” is based on race.

Let’s Look At Real Diversity

In honest practice, real diversity would be based on thoughts and ideas.

I maintain that anybody who disagrees with that is a racist because he believes thinking is race based.

I firmly believe that there can be a politically diverse group which is also racially diverse.

You either understand or you don’t.  Or worse, you refuse to understand.