U.S. Constitution & More

U.S. Constitution & More by H.D. Ingles

The United States Constitution

1. The U.S. Constitution is the most beautiful document ever written.
2. Some fools say that it was written by old, white men over 200 years ago and should be replaced. But, did you ever read it? That group of men who, by the way, had a great diversity of opinion, created a document which the world had never seen the likes of. It is a document which put constraints on the government, not the population. My God, a marvelous concept.


1. I do not believe that, in reality, there is such a thing as an agnostic. My reasoning is based on the simple fact that faith is binary, i.e., you either have it or you don’t. Faith is much like a light switch; it’s either on or off with no in-between.
2. I believe that anyone who truly attempts to be honest and honorable, regardless of religion, is not condemned to pass through the gates of Hell. Maybe there isn’t a Heaven or Hell, but that’s not the point.
3. I don’t much care for people who try to beat me to death with either their religion, or lack thereof.
4. I don’t want to hear about how bad the Christian religion is by referring to events which occurred five and ten centuries ago, a la Obama.

The English Language

1. I love it. English is the fullest and most complete language ever conceived.
2. The degradation of the language disturbs me greatly. Dumb-down the language and dumb-down the population. And, “dumbing-down” includes the over usage of profanity. Note here that I am not a prude and I have tossed out a few colorful words in my day. On the other hand, I was born in a different time and certain words were not spoken in “mixed-company.” We have so many adjectives and adverbs that one can easily express one’s self and never curse. To attempt to give you an example of what I am saying, Winston Churchill could call a man a M***F*** SOB and never curse.
3. I was taught to speak English, ergo I do not say, “he/she” or some other derivative of same, I say, “he.” You don’t like that? That’s your problem. By the way, if you don’t like it, then how do you intend to handle the Romance Languages? That’s a tough on, isn’t it? Of course, in your infinite wisdom, you could just make Romance Languages illegal.


1. Taxes should be used to raise revenue, not to make judgements . I do not understand why people should be punished for being successful. And, by the way, if you haven’t figured it out, with only one tax rate, people who make more money do pay more taxes. If you don’t understand that, bone up on percentages because I can’t help you.
2. The way someone spends his money should not be a tax issue. Why should one who chooses to rent have to pay more tax than one who buys a home? Ditto for charity. In other words, how you spend your money is not the government’s business.

Politics (If you haven’t guessed by now, I am a Republican)

1. There was a time when the party not in power was referred to as “the loyal opposition.” But now, in power or not, they are referred to as “the enemy.” That is disgraceful. And, by the way, I credit most of that disgrace to the Democratic Party. You don’t like that last one? Then prove me wrong.
2. Some geniuses decided that 18-year-olds should be allowed to vote and we now have Amendment XXVI. I don’t like it but I’ll accept it. Then, these same geniuses turned around and passed laws to restrict the rights of 18-year-olds, e.g., consumption of alcohol. I believe that’s unconstitutional; you are either an adult or you are not. If you believe that 18-year-olds cannot handle their personal behavior, then they, most certainly, cannot handle their vote. Ergo, either let them drink or repeal Amendment XXVI.
3. I simply do not understand politicians who put their personal interest above the interest of the United States of America and its Constitution.

I shall stop at this point. I have no intention of competing with Martin Luther’s 95 theses.

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