Ignorance Is Bliss — UNTIL

Ignorance Is Bliss by H.D. Ingles

Ignorance Is Bliss or Wishful Thinking

There is an old saying, “Be careful what you wish for because your wish may come true.”

You know, it’s fine to be for things.  But you really should understand what you are for.

Taking Facts Into Account

Have you lived under a communist dictatorship?  Do you know anybody who has?

Are you one of those who flippantly calls someone a “Nazi” but you really don’t even understand what a Nazi is?

Let me enlighten you.

A Nazi, or fascist, government uses brute force to control the population.  You know, harm, even kill, innocent citizens.  Force conformity through fear and intimidation.  Force allegiance to the leader and the state.  Destroy private property.  Destroy the history of a country.  Incite various groups to hate each other.  Control education and speech, including dumbed-down vocabulary.  Control “news” outlets.

Does some of this sound familiar?  It ought to because it is happening in the United States today.  And many in our government are turning a blind eye.  Or worse, promoting these actions.  The interesting part is that the people who are openly performing fascist acts call themselves anti-fascists.

By the way, communist do the same thing.  Don’t believe me?  Take a gander at Cuba or Venezuela.

Oh, yes, socialists do the same thing as communists, but they smile at you when they take your money.  But don’t say the wrong thing because you may end up in jail.

So, what’s the difference?

The biggest difference between communists/socialists and fascists is who owns the sources of supply, who owns the media, and who owns everything else.  But ownership doesn’t really matter if the government controls the sources of supply, the media, and everything else.  If you have complete control over something, you pretty much own it.

Or do you really believe that Mercedes, Messerschmitt, et al didn’t do exactly what Hitler told them to do?

With respect to fascism and socialism, one more thing.  The Nazi Party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Doesn’t that sort of imply that a socialist can also really be a fascist?  WOW!

Truth is, a totalitarian system of government can exist with any so-called economic system.  But it can never be truly a capitalist society if the government is in control.

Murder by Government

As far as murder by government goes, look at Adolph Hitler, “Uncle” Joe Stalin, and Chairman Mao.  All three have impressive murder records.  The information is pretty easy to find.

As a matter of fact, good old Fidel has quite a few bodies on his hands.  Of course, compared with the multi-million murderers, Fidel is a minor league player.

The “I Am A Scientist” Syndrome

Another interesting thing.  Many who refer to themselves as “scientists” are not really scientists.  They are political people who believe that attaching “scientist” to their degree makes them sound more intelligent and studious.  I mean, doesn’t “doctor of political science” sound pretty darned good?

Remember that medical doctors who work long and hard to earn their degrees say that they practice the art of medicine.

Politics is an art.

Politics is an art.  Don’t believe me?  Read “The Prince” by Machiavelli.

These so-called “scientists” say that, because of ownership, communism is “far Left” and fascism is “far Right.”  That way, they can associate politics with economics.  That way, they can say a capitalist is a fascist.  Another very clever word game.  The manner in which things are worded provide us with half-truths and, many times, absolute lies.

The truth is that anybody who is truly “politically Right” believes in individual freedom to the extent that it does not interfere with the individual freedom of others.

Anybody who claims to be “politically Right” but believes in totalitarian methods is truly “far Left.”

Selective Tolerance

How can a man who claims to be tolerant attempt to keep those with whom he disagrees from speaking?

Easy.  He is not at all tolerant.  That is, unless you agree with him.

Let us compare two, now dead, senators

Senator James Strom Thurmond from South Carolina, a Republican (since 1964), is vilified for his racial beliefs.

Senator Robert C. Byrd from West Virginia, a Democrat, is not vilified for his racial beliefs.

Look at their records

Both men were against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Oh, yes, Senator Byrd had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

What I Am Saying

I am telling nobody to do or be anything.  I am saying read and listen.  And I am saying listen to those with whom you disagree.  I am not saying agree with them.  I am merely saying attempt to understand, or at least listen to, another point of view.

I wish to place a caveat on that previous paragraph.  There was a time in this country where civilized and rational debate was abundant.  What I mean is, it makes great sense to listen to rational arguments.

But it makes no sense to listen to those who rant and rave, and call you names.  For example, if the argument is a political point having nothing to do with race and you are called a racist, just walk away.

And do not use force to keep others from speaking.

The Constitution of the United States of America

One last point.  Before you attempt to destroy the Constitution of the United States of America, you should understand the Constitution and the intentions of our Founders.

Our Founders desired individual rights and, above all things, a limited central government; not a monolithic government in Washington, D.C.

Our Constitution is the only document in the history of the world which limits the government and not the citizens.

You had better think twice before you give away your individual freedoms.

What This All Boils Down To

Note.  I lifted this part from a blog I previously published on my website.

In other words, think.  Think and listen to others, and not always those with whom you agree.  You may actually learn something.

Have you ever spoken with a man who helped others escape from Communist controlled Hungary and then finally escaped himself?

— I have.

Have you ever spoken with a man who helped others escape from Communist controlled Czechoslovakia and then finally escaped himself?

— I have.

Have you ever spoken with a woman whose father, at his own peril, helped her to escape from Communist China when she was only 14?

— I have.

Final Thoughts

You either understand or you don’t.

Or worse, you refuse to understand.

Quick History Lessons by H.D. Ingles