Do You Think For Yourself?

This was originally a post I made on Facebook. It was more popular than I imagined it would be so I gave it a title and made it a post on my website.

Here goes.

Do You Think For Yourself by H.D. Ingles

I am very serious on this one — no joke — very serious.

I hear so many, especially from the younger generations, speaking fondly about a subject and actually possessing total ignorance of the subject.

It is fine to be for something but you should not be ignorant about the thing you are so fond of.

In other words, think. Think and listen to others, and not always those with whom you agree. You may actually learn something.

Have you ever spoken with a man who helped others escape from Communist controlled Hungary and then finally escaped himself?
— I have.

Have you ever spoken with a man who helped others escape from Communist controlled Czechoslovakia and then finally escaped himself?
— I have.

Have you ever spoken with a woman whose father, at his own peril, helped her to escape from Communist China when she was only 14?
— I have.

What am I saying? It’s very simple.

After you talk with ivory tower types who have never experienced real life. And after you talk with young men whose only problems have been which car they want daddy to buy them. And after you talk with young women whose only problems have been which color they look best in.

And after all of them have told you how really great Communism is.

After all of that, maybe you should talk with someone who has lived under and escaped from Communism.

In other words, think. Listen to others and think for yourself.

You can listen to the audio version:

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