
Eighty and Counting

Eighty and Counting by H.D. Ingles| HDIngles.com

Eighty and Counting: Today, July 2, 2019, I made it to eighty years. I have no idea how I got there. I smoke like a fish, drink like a steam engine, mix metaphors, produce puns, and adore alliteration.

By the way, if arithmetic is not your thing, I was born in 1939.

I have accomplished very little. When I was nineteen, I went out to conquer the world. Instead, a tech sergeant conquered me and it went downhill from there.

I will admit that I was a pretty fair computer programmer. Of course, so were a few million others. Well, let me give myself a little more credit. I was a pretty fair electronics/computer/RADAR instructor when I was in the USAF.

Comparing myself with Julius Caesar, I am hitting .667. That is to say, “Veni, vidi, ego perdidit.” For the first two, read about Julius Caesar. For the last one, look it up (that’s what I had to do).

Okay, okay, I’ll make it easy on you. (I’m getting too soft in my old age.):

Julius Caesar: “I came. I saw. I conquered.”

Harrison Ingles: “I came. I saw. I lost.”

I have tried, and still am trying, my hand at writing and this type of stuff is what I end up with. I have a feeling that Hemmingway has no fear of losing ground to me.

“That’s all, folks.” Okay, okay, I parrot Porky Pig.

READ “The Forties & The Fifties” by H.D. Ingles