8 Things I Learned In My 20s and 30s

Things I Learned In My 20s and 30s by H.D. Ingles

I have decided to list some things I have learned in my years on Earth. This is about things I learned In my 20s and 30s.

Here we go.

1. Minding your own business: Good idea.

2. Unsolicited advice: Don’t give it. Don’t take it.

3. Friends: Very important things in life. This goes with a warning: Don’t confuse “friends” with “acquaintances.”

4. Education: A good thing to have. But never forget that just going to school is not the goal. The goal is to learn, either in school or on your own. I have known mechanics and technicians who were rather bright and who knew a lot. On the other hand, I have known college professors who knew nothing of real life, only their narrow field of expertise.

5. Trust: This is a difficult one. Many, including myself, have a natural tendency to trust others. There is a very sensible proverb which covers that, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

6. Tobacco: Probably bad for you but I enjoy a smoke so much that I decided to take a chance. I am still taking the chance. By the way, tobacco doesn’t make your brain go funny.

7. Alcohol: Bourbon is pretty good stuff. It is wise, though, not to overdo it. I have done, and the truth is I don’t remember if I had a good time or not.

8. Gambling: Cards and dice can be a lot of fun. The trick is, don’t lose more than you can easily afford to lose. In other words, don’t bet the rent and grocery money.

I learned quite a bit during those ages.  You probably did, too.

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