They Don’t Really Care, Do They?


As you probably know, there have many been hot and heavy arguments, even unlawful protests and attempts at murder, about the Supreme Court and Roe versus Wade.

Our Constitution defines what the Federal Government is allowed to do.  The Constitution limits Federal laws.

Like it or not, the Federal Government has no say in abortion, that is left to the several State Governments.  Again, as defined in the Constitution.

So, What Happened Next?

Almost immediately, Senator Schumer began screaming, “We will codify abortion up to the time of birth.”

I am sure this made many happy.

Recently, Senator Lindsey Graham began screaming, “We will codify that abortion is legal only up through the first 15 weeks.”

I am sure this made many happy.

Question: Stupid, Ignorant, or Don’t Care?

Portrait of Chief Justice John Marshall by John Blennerhassett MartinStupid?  Senators many times act stupidly, but I can’t believe they are really stupid.

Ignorant?  Could be, since they don’t seem to know something I learned in the fourth grade.

On February 24, 1803, the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Marshall, decided the Landmark case of William Marbury versus James Madison.

John Marshall argued, “Acts of Congress in conflict with the Constitution are not law.”  And that won the day.

Don’t Care About Our Constitution?  I think I have hit on it.  They just don’t bloody care.  On both sides of the aisle, the war cry seems to be, “Damn the Constitution, do things to get votes.”

Both Schumer and Graham have to know that a Congressional Bill on either side of the abortion argument is unconstitutional.  If they don’t know, I need to go back to my words about “Stupid” and change them to “They must be really stupid.”

Truth is, abortion is just the latest hot button.  Looking over many laws on the books, our Constitution is ignored.  Intentionally ignored.

On this point, President Biden wants to do things that he has no Constitutional authority to do.

I mean, he spoke of an Executive Order to make abortion legal.  It’s the Legislative Branch and not the Executive Branch which makes laws.

I mean, he wants an Executive Order to make all of us pay other people’s college expenses.  The President has absolutely no authority to transfer debt from one group to another group.  This is a pure and simple case of buying votes with the taxpayer’s money.

In general, President Biden has put my Country on a steep downhill slope because of things he wants to do.  And maybe buy a few votes.

President Biden seems to believe he is a wiser man than all of our Founding Fathers.  That is a stretch into the Twilight Zone.

Playing With Fire

Our Federal Government, when they edict things that certain vocal groups desire to be accomplished, is not only unconstitutional, but dangerous for the survival of our Country.

What really terrifies me is that there are many so-called Americans whose greatest desire is to destroy my Country and my Country’s Constitution.

And this desire is based on ignorance.