The Garbage and the Plague

You know, things happen and there are unexpected consequences. This is about the garbage and the plague.

I understand that the 2020 virus which is upon us is causing anguish across the country.

What I never expected was for it to affect my garbage. Well, it did.I am sure that, sometime in the past year, I explained that I had, quite cleverly may I add, worked out a marvelous plan for my garbage. I have developed a very scientific scheme such that I only have to take my garbage and recycle down to the curb one out of eight weeks. On top of that, I have been working feverishly to upgrade the eight-week cycle to a ten-week cycle.

What I am trying to tell you is that, quite suddenly and quite cruelly, I am being forced into a six-week garbage cycle. Curses!
The Garbage and the Plague

You see, it’s like this. I had never figured that I would have so darned many TV dinner cartons to dispose of during any eight-week cycle.

Oh, yes, empty bourbon bottles. I mean, if somebody looked into my recycle bin, they just might believe that I actually drink the stuff.

Holy mackerel. Hold your horses. Wait a minute. My brain is working.

Now that I think on it, it’s not the garbage, it’s that recycle business.

And it just hit me. My garbage bin isn’t anyway near full.

Maybe I should just throw the damned empty bourbon bottles into the garbage bin and not worry about the entire mess, thereby maintaining my scientific eight-week cycle.