The Fury and the Sound

The Fury and the Sound: This, sadly enough, is a true story. It happened two or three or forty years ago.

You see, it’s like this. I lived in a home with three females, my wife and two daughters. Four females, if you count the dog.

Now, I was fully aware that women meet secretly one time a month, usually during a full moon, to devise plots to befuddle men. This was the first time, though, when I became aware that female dogs were part of the coven.

Well, one fine day, I was home and minding my own business but I had, apparently, either done or said something wrong. I had no idea what.

I was sitting in my easy chair when, suddenly, I saw three females on the couch. Four females, if you count the dog.

Not a word was said and there were eight beady eyes staring at me
(traitorous dog included).

To no avail, I foolishly said, “What’s wrong?”

Well, after a few minutes of receiving stares which were shooting daggers at
me, I gave up. I said, “To hell with it, I’m taking a nap.”

I went to my bedroom, took off my shoes, and hit the sack. I, of course,
was still ignorant of the heinous crime which I had committed.

A few minutes later, a storm started coming up. Then, quite suddenly, there was a crack of thunder. I mean a very, very loud crack of thunder.

Ten seconds later, my bed was covered with three females. Four females, if you count the dog.

I was forgiven.

I still had no idea of what the hell I had done.