Teacher Doesn’t Always Know Best

Teacher Doesn’t always Know Best by H.D. Ingles



Teacher Doesn’t always Know Best. A few years ago, my wife told me that she phoned a woman. My wife said to the woman, “Is this Mrs. So-And-So?” The woman responded, “This is her.” Doesn’t anybody speak English anymore? What made things even worse is that the woman is a schoolteacher. If a teacher of our children doesn’t know the difference between the objective and subjective cases, then how in the dickens can we expect our young ones to ever learn to speak proper English?


Political “Science”

When I was thirty (1969), I took a political “science” class at NC State. The so-called professor was a self-proclaimed Communist and he was teaching garbage to the young students. There was an assignment to write a report on the Abe Fortes book, “Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience.” Even though I disagreed with the concepts of the book, I read it cover-to-cover twice and referred to it many times while writing my report. I wrote at least six drafts before I finished my report.

During that semester, I spent a lot of time on that damned report even though I was also taking calculus and working full-time as a computer programmer. In other words, I put myself out for the report. What was my reward? It was a “D-“ with the comment, “Doesn’t understand the material.” So I decided to give the professor a test. For the next report on some stupid book, I read the first sentence of each paragraph one time and I wrote the report in one sitting. I agreed with everything the professor wanted me to agree with, and I received an “A.” So you tell me if I’m right or wrong.

As you may have guessed, I’m not overly fond of the current educational system or many of the people who call themselves “educators.”