Start to Stop

Start to Stop by H.D. Ingles

Note here that I wrote this while I was writing posts on Facebook. I only left it here because of my devotion to corny jokes.

I have been considering to start to stop writing posts. (“Start to stop?” If anything I say makes sense, knock twice.) Why such a foolish move? Beats me. Well, the truth is, I figured that I am lucky if just one other person besides myself actually reads the stuff.

Then, I did some more figuring and decided that just that one guy doubles my readership. A 100% increase! Wow! Do that with the stock market a few times and you are rich. Also, being a soft-hearted man, I didn’t want to disappoint that idiot who reads my stuff.

What this is all boiling down to is that I am not going to start to stop. After running it through my feeble brain a few times, “Doubles. Doubles. Doubles.” (I think you get the idea here), I have decided to forge ahead. (With a little imagination, I think that there is a joke in those last couple of words.)

Question: Why is Ireland the richest country in the world?

Answer: Every year, for centuries, it’s capital has been Dublin.

If you believe that was a rather lengthy buildup to tell one corny joke, you just may be correct.