Right and Left What?


When talking about Left and Right, confusion abounds.  I believe it to be very well-planned confusion.

Some Definitions

Capitalist Regime

Ownership is in the hands of individual citizens, who are free to buy, sell, or trade.  An individual’s life is in his own hands.  An individual has freedom of speech.  In other words, individual freedom.

I am terrified that in the United States, we are on the brink of losing our Constitution and our individual freedoms.

Communist Regime

The State owns everything and controls the everyday lives of its citizens.  There is no freedom of speech.  In short, it is totalitarian.  Don’t believe me, move to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, or China.

Fascist Regime

Certain elites own much or all, but actual control is in the hands of the State.  Don’t believe me?  If you think that Mercedes and Messerschmidt didn’t obey Hitler, think again.  The State controls the everyday lives of its citizens.  There is no freedom of speech.  In short, it is totalitarian.

Oh, yes, the full name of the Nazi Party was The National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Which Witch is Which?

The Economic Point of View

The “Far Left” is Communism and the “Far Right” is Capitalism.

The Political Point of View

The “Far Left” is Communism and the “Far Right” is Fascism.

The problem is, that is not true.  Let me tell you why.

A Fascist regime is totalitarian.

And guess what?  A Communist regime is totalitarian

Because of the fact that some select individuals own means of manufacture and supply, those of the Left claim Fascism is Capitalism.  That is a false conclusion.

Anything which resembles Capitalism in a Fascist regime is a False Capitalism.

What the Heck Am I Talking About?

It is very simple:

– There is an economic Right and Left.

– There is a political Right and Left, which is currently out of kilter with truth.

That is to say, since both Communism and Fascism are totalitarian forms of government, both are Far Left.

You know, making Communism and Fascism at opposite ends of the political spectrum is a very convenient way to lie.  This lie has been going on for a long time.  I took a political science course in 1962, and guess what?  This false concept was being espoused.