Public Manners

I have noticed that many, no, I would go so far as to say most people, show manners in public. The problem is, though, they are all bad manners.

Public Manners by H.D. Ingles

Wait a minute. Now that I think on it, doesn’t “having manners” imply “having good manners?” So then, how can you have “bad manners?” Beats me. So let’s just change the whole shebang to “manners” and “no manners.”

At this point, if anybody out there has any idea of what I’m talking about, please tell me because I’m not sure.

Anyway, here are a couple of examples of what I mean about “no manners:”

It is a beautiful spring day and you are sitting at a stop light with your windows rolled down. Then, a car is next to you and the guy has his windows rolled down. His radio is emitting something he calls “music.” The sound level is somewhere around warp speed (whatever that means). People five cars away can hear his “music.” In other words, the guy has no public manners.

You are somewhere having a smoke and some five-year-old brat points at you, looks at his mother, and says, “He smokes.” His mother looks at you and sneers. Now, when I was five and I pointed at somebody, for any reason at all, my mother would have said, “Honey, it’s not nice to point at people.”