
H.D. Ingles Author

Showboat by H.D. Ingles

Show Boat

You know, about 1950, give or take, A “Show Boat” came down the Ohio to Huntington, WV. My mother, a...

8 AM by H.D. Ingles

8 A.M.

8:00 a.m. this morning… How many times have you heard that? Okay, maybe not always 8:00, but I think you...

Old Cars by H.D. Ingles | HDIngles.com

An Old Car

I drive a 21-year-old Ford Crown Victoria V-8. Why drive such an old car? Good question. Let me tell you....

baseball soccer H.D. Ingles

Baseball Soccer

Sometimes, when one is amazed by an action of another, he doesn’t realize that he, also, can amaze. I think...