Limited Taxation

Limited Taxation

Limited Taxation: You know, it might be a good idea to tax people a lot. I mean, people have so much to worry about when it comes to what to do with their money, that maybe the government should spend it for them. I believe that we all know what really swell jobs governments do when it comes to handling money.

Now, let’s get serious.

The truth is, if banks, other financial institutions, and just about any corporation kept track of their money the way government keeps track of its money, the whole kit and caboodle of them would be in jail.

Obama promised that there would be no tax increases for anybody making under $250,000 (quickly revised to $200,000). Note that I don’t agree with additional taxes on anybody and I make way (way, way) less than $200,000 a year but that is beside the point. The point is that the man lied. I say that because, given his plans, he had to know that taxes must increase, ergo, he flat-out lied.

As an aside, shortly after Obama stated that nobody, I repeat nobody, making less than $200,000 would see an increase in taxes, and he specifically said, “No taxes,” the Federal cigarette tax increased by a buck a pack. And, in case you’re curious, I wasn’t asked how much money I made when I bought cigarettes after the tax was imposed.


Liberals like to say that President Bush lied about WMD. That’s not true; he acted based on the evidence presented to him. On the other hand, Obama knew exactly what he was doing: He lied to get elected. Then, by dint of the overwhelming powers of persuasion which he believes himself to be possessed with, he was going to convince the masses that they would have more money to spend and things would really cost less. And even though they will have less money coming in and they will end up paying more for what they purchase. I don’t know what you call that but I call it “arrogance personified.”

I believe that President Reagan summed up Congress as well as anybody ever has. Paraphrased, he said, “Give them more money and they will spend it.”