Jesse Owens and Olympic Gold

1936 Berlin olympics

The Berlin Games, 1936

At first, Hitler had no interest in The Olympic Games. But Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda,  changed the leader’s mind. Goebbels convinced Hitler that they could use the event to advance Nazi ideology.
Hitler agreed. He funded everything to make the Berlin Games spectacular. He wanted the Third Reich to impress the entire world.


During the games, the German people removed all the anti-Jewish signs from the city. Jewish foreign visitors weren’t subject to Nazi anti-Jewish laws.
Nazis even placed a part-Jewish woman on the German fencing team.
The Nazis cleared gypsies off the streets and moved them to work camps outside of Berlin.
In other words, Nazis created the picture they wanted the world to see. A festive celebration, with dancing and music and happy people.

The Games Begin

Opening Ceremony of 1936 Olympics in Berlin

The Olympic Relay Torch

The Nazis started the Olympic Relay Torch for the 1936 games. The 12-day run, from Greece to Germany, was symbolic to Germany. It illustrated Germany being the true heir of ancient Greek culture.

Jesse Owens

American athlete, Jesse Owens, was the star of the Berlin Games. He won four gold medals and he, along with his teammates, broke records that stood for decades.
You can read more about his Olympic performances here:   Olympics Website


Jesse Owens and Olympic Gold by H.D. Ingles


Did Hitler Snub Owens?

Hitler didn’t single Owens out but didn’t want to greet non-Aryan athletes. Olympic officials told him he had to greet all or none. When black Americans dominated track events, Hitler chose to leave the stadium.

Jesse Owens and the German People

Nazis considered the black race inferior. Many Germans ridiculed the United States for having black athletes on their team.
But the German people embraced Owens. Crowds cheered as he won gold and broke records. They asked for his autograph and chanted his name.
In 1984, Berlin renamed a street after Jesse Owens. It’s near the Olympic stadium. There are displays dedicated to him in the Olympic Village.
Jesse-Owens-Allee - - 3480.jpg

Creative Commons

Jesse Owens, the son of sharecroppers, captivated the German people and the world.
And demolished Hitler’s Aryan race theory.

Jesse Owens and Olympic Gold by H.D. Ingles