
“Diversity” is one of those things which sounds good, at least on the surface. The problem is that diversity, as used in the popular context, isn’t diversity at all; it is more closely aligned with racial allocation of people who, in general, think alike.

How can that be real diversity? If everybody thinks alike, what’s diverse about it?

The bottom line is this: I and, I think, most reasonable Conservatives tend to believe that diversity has to do with ideas. On the other hand, Liberals tend to believe that diversity has to do with race. (Is that racist?)

Given those two different ways of thinking, I pose a question: If people are, for the most part, alike (a concept which the typical Liberal could not possibly argue against), then what does real diversity have to do with race?

One Good Example

One good example of the thinking of the “diversity” bunch is with respect to the murder of thirteen and the wounding of around forty at Fort Hood in November of 2009. The Army’s head-shed, General Casey, commented that he was concerned that diversity will become a casualty. I don’t know about you but, fool that I am, I would have guessed that his main concern would be about the safety of his troops. But, God forbid, that we should offend a Muslim terrorist by calling him a Muslim terrorist.

Now I want to talk about two types of organizations which greatly tout diversity as we now know it: News and education.

Let’s say, for example, that the typical large news organization has 100 key people (reporters, producers, editors, researchers, etc.). Now, if there are 60 Whites, 20 Blacks, 10 Asians, and 10 Hispanics, with approximately half of them being women, that news organization would say that they were a true picture of “diversity.” But it just isn’t true in most cases. Why? Because the typical news organization has one to three “token” Conservatives with the remainder being Liberals, ergo it is not “diverse.” In an organization in which ideas and concepts are a key ingredient, to be truly diverse, the organization should have Liberals and Conservatives at about fifty-fifty.

News Organizations

Now, in all honesty, I believe that many news organizations have always had many more Liberals than Conservatives. And, in days gone by, that seems to have worked because, for the most part, the organizations tended to leave their ideology to the “opinion page.” Those were the days when a reporter reported. Those days are gone. I believe that real reporting went on a rather steep downhill slope during the Vietnam War and has continued to worsen. And, now, “opinion reporting” seems to be the norm.

The same is true for, seemingly. most colleges and universities. They scream loudly about how many black and female professors they have and insist that they are diverse. But, if only one in twenty history or political science professors is a capitalist and the others are socialist, then how do students get a well-rounded education and get taught things to make them think for themselves? That’s easy, they don’t. Does anyone really believe that a hard-core socialist professor is going to teach the advantages of capitalism? (If you do, give me a call because I have a really swell bridge in New York to sell you.)

In summary, I prefer “color blind.” That is a concept which some fellow named Martin Luther King had, too, if I’m not mistaken. But, sadly, in most Liberal circles, “color blind” is called racism, which I find quite amusing. (Sad but amusing.)