Breakfast at 7:45

Breakfast at 745 by H.D. Ingles

Why am I writing about breakfast at 7:45? It seems that everybody likes to share “experiences” so. what the heck, why shouldn’t I?

About 7:45 today, I consumed a really great breakfast. Five slices of fried bacon, two eggs sunny-side up (salted and cooked in bacon grease), two slices of bread and butter (that’s butter and not Vaseline), coffee, and orange juice. Heaven on Earth.

If you think that is bad stuff to eat, then don’t eat it. I don’t rightly care what you think. All I can tell you is that I have been on that diet for a right long time; I’m pushing 80 real hard and I ain’t dead yet.

Oh, if I forgot to mention it, that was 7:45 PM. I am not easily motivated in the morning. Although, I must admit that a while back (okay, a long while back) an old tech sergeant found a way to motivate me right quickly.

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