6 Things I Learned After 60 Years

6 Things I Learned After 60 Years

I have decided to list some things I have learned in my years on Earth. Here are 6 Things I Learned After 60 Years
Here we go.

1. Don’t worry about dying: It’s going to happen so live with it as best you can.

2. Make sure you are prepared to die: What I mean here is you should attempt to ensure that those close to you will not fall into hardship after your death. Make sure you have a will. You should have made a will long before you turned 60.

3. Attitude: Don’t walk around down in the dumps all the time. If you are old, you are old. Face it. Don’t worry about it. Have a good time.

4. Recover: If you have made too many mistakes in life and taken too many wrong turns, try to right them as much as possible. Try not to die an embittered old man. Scrooge did it, you can, too.

5. Accomplishments: These things vary by the individual. In your lifetime, if you have done your best and if you have accomplished to the best of your abilities, you will leave your life coming out a winner.

6. Learning: If you learned little or nothing in your life, blame nobody but yourself.

I tried to limit myself to what is really important.  Did I miss one of yours?

Read The Colonel by H.D. Ingles. Available on Kindle and in paperback.