The Dreaded “A” Words

I was married for over 53 years and I was faced with this dreaded dilemma many times: The Dreaded “A” Words? “Alimony” or “Apologize.”

Being afraid you will think me a coward, I am embarrassed to tell you how many times I apologized. I mean, if I did something, I did something. But, in almost all cases, I was an innocent lamb led to slaughter. Feel free to translate “slaughter” to “apologize.”

Let’s talk about a filthy house.

To me, there is a big difference between “filthy” and “a little messy.”

To my wife, firstly, there is no such thing as “a little messy” and, secondly, “filthy” and “messy” are synonymous.

Do you get the picture?

Carolyn's high school graduation photo

Well, it was like this, one Sunday afternoon, I was sitting on my easy chair in my den and reading the Sunday newspaper. Happy as a lark.

My wife, Carolyn, walks into the den and looks around. Does she say, “Feeling fine, Darling?” Not on your life. She scans the den with the eyes of a hawk. Then I hear, “This room is filthy. Do something about it.”

I looked around. The carpet was clean. No dust in sight. Nothing out of place. I was bumfuzzled. Then I saw the culprit. I had, quite foolishly, left the Friday and Saturday newspapers on my ottoman. A crime worthy of capital punishment.

Well, coward that I am, I put those dastardly dailies in the trash.

Five minutes later, in walks the Queen who says, “Now, isn’t that much better?”

I, quite wisely, said, “Yes, Darling, the den was filthy.