Right and Left What?
When talking about Left and Right, confusion abounds. I believe it to be very well-planned confusion. Some Definitions Capitalist...
When talking about Left and Right, confusion abounds. I believe it to be very well-planned confusion. Some Definitions Capitalist...
I must be an extremist because my President told me I am. Ever since I was six, I have carried...
In the 1850s, there was a Short-Lived Phenomenon. A fairly strong third political party arose, the American Party. How It...
I wrote the story of Hopalong Hillary almost 30 years ago, in 1994. I never published, but I am thinking...
“Diversity” is one of those things which sounds good, at least on the surface. The problem is that diversity, as...
The term “political science” is a walking, talking joke. Read on and I’ll explain. First, to get perspective, let’s take...
What the heck, I’m on a roll. I believe the Constitution needs some new amendments and also some removals or,...
I have decided to start a “Political Hall of Fame.” Well the truth is, these aren’t real people, I just...
Personal Freedom Part III: Some people want to keep others from becoming rich. That’s bunk because if certain of us...
The Face of Agony: Just a bit ago, I posted my opinion on the recent State of the Union Address....