Safety Warnings

Have you ever wondered why companies, especially food companies, place wording on their packaging which fully insults their customers intelligence? Let me give you a hint. They do it because of free loading bums (herein referred to as “FLBs) and ambulance chasing lawyers (herein referred to as “ACLs”)? That is to say, take one unit of FLB and mix with one unit of ACL, and then shake thoroughly. In truth, this is a rather unpalatable brew, that is unless you are said FLB and ACL. What the heck am I talking about? The best example I can conjure up is when the directions say, “Place product in a 400 degree oven for one hour.” Then comes the kicker, “CAUTION! WILL BE HOT!”

My God, when I was about four, Mama told me I shouldn’t touch or eat a baked pie taken straight out of the oven. Why? Because the thing is hot. I don’t know what else to say. Along these same lines, do you remember a few years back when a woman sued MacDonald’s for a million and won? What had MacDonald’s done? They served her hot coffee . What had the women done? She placed hot coffee between her legs and drove off. Well, the coffee spilt, the woman’s legs were a bit burned, and it cost MacDonald’s a million. Now, I make no claims of being a genius, but I believe that I wouldn’t place hot coffee between my legs and drive off.