Driver License

Driver License

In late winter, 2019, something happened which amazed me; NC issued a new driver’s license to me. Now, please understand, I wasn’t amazed because, in the last five years, I killed seven people due to my wild driving habits. This may take a bit to explain.

You see, it’s like this, in 2014 I turned seventy-five and I said to myself, “Old Boy, this is your last one.” (In case you forgot, I’m talking about a driver’s license, not women.) And here I am, getting another one. And I am now saying to myself, “Old Boy, this is your last one.” Please understand that I am not a fatalist, but rather a realist. We must face facts. Time, tide, and the Happy Hunting Ground wait on no man. What I am telling you is, if you are a betting man, you should get real long odds on me getting my next license.

By the way, I can barely see my kitchen sink, so tomorrow looks to be one of those dreadful days because I will have to dedicate at least three minutes of my precious time to loading the dishwasher. “Into every life, some rain must fall.”

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