One Year At Mac’s Tavern
Mac’s Tavern is a tavern in the town where I live, and is sometimes referred to as a “bar.” Note...
Mac’s Tavern is a tavern in the town where I live, and is sometimes referred to as a “bar.” Note...
The term “political science” is a walking, talking joke. Read on and I’ll explain. First, to get perspective, let’s take...
I saw a television commercial a while back that showed some young guy whining about his rotten old after-shave lotion...
Teacher Doesn’t always Know Best. A few years ago, my wife told me that she phoned a woman....
I am not in favor of slavery. I also believe that most folks don’t agree with me. “Ha,” you say....
I am, admittedly, a bit slow on the uptake but it finally dawned on me that it is quite legal...
Goodbye romance? Much to my sorrow, many things disturb me in our “Brave New World” but, the truth is, in...
Note here that I wrote this while I was writing posts on Facebook. I only left it here because of...
Almost everybody has at least one idol. You know, people they admire and respect. It seems that many have idols...
The ashtray, a hit or miss proposition. I have an ashtray in my home. Well to be honest here, I...