After-Shave Lotion That Doesn’t Sting

I saw a television commercial a while back that showed some young guy whining about his rotten old after-shave lotion stinging his tender little face. Then the kid put on this new stuff and it didn’t sting one little bit. And he was so happy that his pretty little (smelly) face didn’t sting. Keep in mind that this new after-shave lotion was from the same people who also show a sailor (a “real man”) using their stuff. I can’t figure it out. Hell, I use after-shave because it does sting a little. It feels good. I just can’t quite understand about a little sting being referred to as pain. Go figure.

After-Shave Lotion That Doesn't Sting by H.D. Ingles

Different subject (I love diversity).

I am a bit of a wine connoisseur. My primary rule when selecting a bottle of wine is very basic. If the guy who bottled the wine is so cheap that he caps the bottle with a lousy, cheap cork, then I refuse to buy it. If the bottle isn’t capped with a good, solid metal top, then I go elsewhere.

What’s the word?
What’s the price?
Mighty nice.

Well, it worked in 1960.

Different subject (diversity, diversity, diversity).

Tempus fugit

I have no idea what that means. It just sounded classy.