
Now, to make abortion completely illegal is the wish of some. I believe that this group is in a small minority.

This is a tough one. No matter what you say, somebody hates you. I am not extremely diplomatic but I shall make every attempt to be reasonable. Before I begin, I want to tell you that religion will not come into view. But moral values will. By the way, I know and have known people with little or no religious bent but who have rather high moral standards.

On the other hand, there are those who wish abortion to be legal at all stages, including if the little critter gets out alive. Again, I believe that this group is in a small minority.


The new Georgia law about “heartbeat,” in a way, makes sense. That is to say, you have a human with a heart. The problem is time. I mean by that, once a woman discovers she is pregnant gives very little time to make, literally, a life and death decision.

So, I believe twelve weeks is a reasonable amount of time because the fetus is still quite small and far from fully developed. In other words, if a woman can’t make a decision in almost three months, the decision is made for her: have the child.

I fully understand that the life of the mother being jeopardized is a different story. I fully do not understand that bearing a child may upset the mother. My God, the woman had almost three months to decide. And, lest we forget, the child can feel pain. Anybody care to be drawn and quartered?

As far as the women who are screaming about “women’s rights” and “women’s health” goes, maybe they should witness the dismemberment and possible head bashing of a seven- to nine-month-old unborn child.

Like it or not, that’s what I think. There is no doubt in my mind that I will receive hate from both sides of the argument. Well, that’s the way it is and I accept it.

READ “A Stroll Through American History” by H.D. Ingles